Hawaiian Vanilla Co.

Hawaiian Vanilla Co. - Pineapple Chutney


Since the Mango Chutney was such a hit, Hawaiian Vanilla worked out a creation with another of the Islands' fabulous fruits, pineapple! Pineapple and vanilla are such a great combination, slowly cooked with sugar and spice and everything nice producing one of their most asked for products. A wonderful accompaniment to grilled meat, curries or cream cheese and crackers.

Hawaiian Vanilla Company is the first commercial grower in the US. But being the first is not always the easiest. Their search to grow the finest quality vanilla in the world has taken the Reddekopp family to the birth place of Vanilla, Mexico, into the rain forest of Micronesia, to the impoverish country of Haiti and to the highest technology in Vanilla research at Rutgers University. Their goal is to cultivate the best Vanilla in the world and provide the finest vanilla related product including vanilla coffee, beans & more.