Sea Salts of Hawai'i

Sea Salts of Hawaii - Deep Ocean Magnesium Mineral Water Drops


Sea Salts of Hawaii's Magnesium Mineral Drops are the perfect way to add more Magnesium to your diet and to enjoy its many health benefits. Magnesium plays a role in hundreds of biological processes. It supports brain health, mood, relaxation, sound sleep, energy, muscle, nerve and cardiovascular health. Magnesium deficiency is also strongly correlated with depression and anxiety.

Most of us do not get enough Magnesium through our diets and rates of absorption of the Magnesium we do consume can be as low as 20%. Forms of Magnesium that dissolve in liquid such as our Magnesium Chloride are more completely absorbed by the body.

With their Pure Hawaii Mineral Drops, you can mineral-enhance your drinking water with Magnesium, Chloride, and Potassium and also trace amounts of Calcium, Iron, Copper, Zinc and Manganese while making your own great-tasting mineral water.

Ingredients: Pristine Magnesium and concentrated Deep Ocean Minerals drawn from the 900 year-old Thermohaline Circulation 2,200 feet below the surface of the Kona Sea.

Add 1 drop per 1oz. of drinking water. 24 drops per large 24 oz. water flask, 8 drops for a cup of water. 

Bottle Size: 2 Fl oz.