
PōMahina Designs’ owner and creative designer, Kanoelani Davis is a true kama a Hina (child of the goddess Hina. A Native Hawaiian woman of Moloka‘i, Kanoelani’s roots trace back many generations. She is a lifelong cultural practitioner and torchbearer for the survival of many Hawaiian art forms. It is her way of life and in many instances, it does not separate from her being.
The designer’s dedication to culture, advocacy for cultural awareness and love for design have been woven together and is manifested in the patterns that adorn the wearable art of PōMahina Designs. Kanoelani views her brand as an essence imbued with culture, tradition and aloha, all while being infused in contemporary fashion. #MODERNMAOLI
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Pono Potions x Hawaiian Airlines - POG Mixer
Pono Potions crafts artisanal syrups for cocktails, coffee, and more, highlighting Hawai‘i's unique flavors. Inspired by Hawaiian Airlines' iconic POG cuplet, their Pāʻina POG mixer features 100% real fruit purée, cane sugar, and fresh citrus. It’s the perfect addition to champagne, vodka, or rum, delivering a taste of Hawai‘i in every sip.
This product was designed for the exclusive Hawaiian Airlines x Mana Up Collection, celebrating Hawaiian Airlines' 95th anniversary with unique products by 100% local brands.