After Christmas Sale at House of Mana Up
Celebrate the holiday season with incredible savings at House of Mana Up! Discover exclusive deals on unique, locally made products from Hawaii’s top entrepreneurs. From artisan goods to island-inspired gifts, stock up on your favorites or find something new at unbeatable prices.
Find more deals at any of our House of Mana Up stores on Oahu: South Shore Market at Ward Village, Prince Waikiki Hotel and Royal Hawaiian Center.
"I Lava You" Gift Set
Say "I lava you" with this gift set featuring 100% local, high quality gifts! Filled with goodies from Jules + Gem, Mānoa Chocolate, Bradley & Lily, and Hobbs tea, this gift set is designed to help you relax into the perfect evening.
This set features:
- Bradley & Lily - Hibiscus Large Spiral Notebook
- Jules + Gem - 2 oz Soy Candle - Guava Nectar
- Jules + Gem - 3.4 oz Body Lotion - Pakalana
Mānoa Chocolate - Nīnole, Hawai'i Island Bar 70%
- Hobbs Tea - Hawaii Grown Wild Hibiscus