Kakou Collective
Kakou Collective - Uluwehi Pocket Notebook
Uluwehi - Lush and beautiful verdure; a place where beautiful plants thrive; festively adorned. Lit., decorative growth.
This style of lei making is lei Wili papa (wili: wind, twist, turn; papa: flat surface) where the decorative material is lashed to a center cord with a wrapping technique, often used for lei papale (lei for your hat), or lei polo (lei for your head)
• Pocket Notebook measures 5 in x 7in
• 60 blank pages
• Saddle Stitched with Staple
• Outside: 110# smooth cover
• Inside: 60# smooth paper
• Made in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi
This listing is for the notepad selected ONLY.