House of Mana Up - Gift Sets
Taste of Hawaiʻi Set - FEATURED IN FORBES!
This snack set will bring the flavors of Hawai‘i to you! Featuring all locally-made food products from Kauai Sweet Shoppe Macchiato Caramel and Big Island Coffee Roasters Espresso Bites to Manoa Chocolate - Hawaiian Sea Salt Mini Chocolate Bar and Wai Meli - Eucalyptus Blossom Honey.
Featured on this Forbes gift guide here!
This set contains:
- Big Island Coffee Roasters - Latte Espresso Bites
- Island Harvest - Organic Macadamias Covered in Dark Chocolate - 4.5 oz.
Wai Meli - Christmas Berry Honey - 5 oz
- Kauai Sweet Shoppe - Macchiato Caramel
*Products may vary based upon seasonal availability.