Jake Muise and Kimo Tuyay, long-time friends who met playing volleyball at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, created Maui Nui Venison in 2014 as a vehicle to establish a successful market for wild-harvested meats in Hawai‘i. Through his years of experience managing Axis deer, Jake recognized the potential for this invasive (to Hawai‘i) species as a high-quality and local meat product. Along with their wives, Min Tuyay and Ku‘ulani Muise, their shared vision for the company became one focused not only on the superiority of Hawai‘i’s wild venison, but one that placed equal stake in helping to ensure the sustainability and viability of this incredible food resource, as well as the long-term impact of these deer in ecological communities.
Maui Nui Venison creates USDA wild-harvested meats from the Valley Isle. By working with suppliers who strive to humanely manage wild and invasive venison among other animals, Maui Nui Venison offers jerkies and fresh meat that promote sustainability of wild food systems in the islands.